Dr. Andrew Biro

Selected Recent Publications

A. Biro. (2015). “The Good Life in the Greenhouse? Autonomy, Democracy, and Citizenship in the Anthropocene," Telos 172: 15-37.

A. Biro. (2013). “Screening the Crisis,” Studies in Political Economy no. 92, 57-74.

A Biro. (2013). “River-Adaptiveness in a Globalized World” in C. Chen, J. MacLeod, A. Niemanis, Thinking With Water (McGill-Queens University Press), 166-84.

A. Biro. (2012). “Water Wars by Other Means: Virtual Water and Global Economic Restructuring,” Global Environmental Politics Vol.12, No.4, 86-103.

A. Biro (ed.). (2011). Critical Ecologies: The Frankfurt School and Contemporary Environmental Crises (Toronto, Buffalo and London: University of Toronto Press)

A. Biro. (2011). “Water Politics: Overconsumption and underdevelopment drive water crisis,” CCPA Monitor 18, 6 (November), 36-37.

A. Biro. (2010). “Environmental Prospects in Canada” Environmental Politics Vol.19, No.2, 303-09.

J. Johnston, A. Biro, N. McKendrick. (2009). "Lost in the Supermarket: The Corporate-Organic Foodscape and the Struggle for Food Democracy," Antipode, Vol.41, No.3, 509-32.

A. Biro. (2007). "Water Politics and the Construction of Scale." Studies in Political Economy No.80, 9-30.

A. Biro. (2007). "Water Wars: Myths and Realities," The Globalist (Aug. 15-16); reprinted in Current No.496 (Oct.2007), 5-7.
A. Biro. (2007). "La Guerre de l'eau: Mythes, réalités, et conséquences canadienne," Le Multilatéral. (May-June)

A. Biro. (2006). "Half-empty or Half-full? Water Politics and the Canadian National Imaginary," in K. Bakker (ed.), Eau Canada: Governing Canada's Waters (Toronto: University of British Columbia Press), 321-33.

A. Biro. (2005). Denaturalizing Ecological Politics: Alienation from Nature
from Rousseau to the Frankfurt School and Beyond
. (Toronto and Buffalo: University of Toronto Press)