Dr. Katie Mazer
Assistant Professor
Cross-appointed, WGST & Environmental and Sustainability Studies
Office: BAC 313
Phone: 902-585-1350
Email: katie.mazer@acadiau.ca
Office Hours: TBD
- PhD (Geography, University of Toronto)
- M.Sc.Pl. (University of Toronto)
- BA (McGill)
Research/Teaching Interests
- Critical perspectives on work and unemployment
- Feminist political economy
- Social reproduction
- Natural resource economies
- Welfare state
- Race, class, gender
- Environmental justice
- Critical geography
Teaching (2024-25)
Fall WGST 1413, WGST 4923
Winter ESST 1023, ESST 2013
Selected Publications
Mazer, Katie. “Dump Truck Destiny: Alberta Oil, ‘East Coast’ Workers, and Attachment to Extraction.” Antipode, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1111/anti.12860.
Mazer, Katie, Suzanne Mills, and Séverine Bouard. “Pathways to Nickel Mining Employment among Inuit Women in Nunavik, Canada and Kanak Women in New Caledonia: A Comparative Study.” The Extractive Industries and Society 10 (June 2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.exis.2022.101088.
Mazer, Katie. “Making the Welfare State Work for Extraction: Poverty Policy as the Regulation of Labor and Land.” Annals of the American Association of Geographers 109, no. 1 (2019): 18–34. https://doi.org/10.1080/24694452.2018.1480929.
Mazer, Katie, Martin Danyluk, Elise Hunchuck, and Deborah Cowen. “Mapping a Many-Headed Hydra: Transnational Infrastructures of Extraction and Resistance.” In Standing with Standing Rock: Voices from the #NoDAPL Movement, edited by Nick Estes and Jaskiran Dhillon. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2019.