Honours Degrees
Honours is a challenging degree for strong students in which you work 1-1 with a faculty supervisor to design, carry out and write a research thesis in additon to undertaking all of the standard requirements for an ESST Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Community Development degree.
Bachelor of Arts students also take two additional ESST Concentration courses while Bachelor of Community Development students complete an additional higher level research methods course. Honours students can apply for an honours scholarship in their third year which enables them to receive funding to do their research in the summer between their third and fourth years. Those interested in honours should consult the program head or individual faculty members.
2018-19 Honours Projects
Emily Gomersall:
Exploring Community Metrics for Measuring Well-Being
Holly Giacomodonato:
The History of People-Planting Interactions in the Halifax Public Gardens
Rachel Sparling:
"Behind Closed Doors: The Stories and Experiences of Siblings of Persons with Mental Illness"
2017-18 Honours Projects
Grace Hamilton-Burge:
"The Species at Risk Act: The Allowance of Economic and Socio-Economic Prioritization over Scientific Assessment"
George Phlipp:
"Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in Nova Scotia: From Planning to Action"
2016-17 Honours Projects
Naomi Burkhart: Charity Greenwashing: The Jewish National Fund
Karlee Perry: "The Role of Community Art in Placemaking"
Stephanie Miller: "For Better or For Worse: NAFTA"s Lessons for the Relationships between Free Trade Agreements and Food Sovereignty"
Chelsea Sellers: "Volunteer Tourism: Exploring Motivations, Benefits & Reciprocity"
Jesica Wall: Wolfville Food Bucks: A Food Coupon Designed to Increase Community Food Security
Emma Wallace: “Exploring Community Engagement in Tidal Energy Development: Issues and Challenges
2014-15 Projects
Erin Anderson: “Understanding the Impacts of Climate Change and the Sustainability Challenges at Ski Resorts in Vermont”
Lexi Dutnall: "Applying Ecofeminism to Environmental Disaster: A Case Study on the Mount Polley Mine"
Ciaran Kelly: "Ancient Technology: Amazonian Dark Earths"
Steph McGlashan: "Exploring the Impact of Capacity Building for Positive Food Environments - The Our Food Project"
2013-14 Projects
Mandy Bunten-Walberg: "Somali Piracy: The Political and Ecological Origins of Maritime Crime along the Somali Coast"
Mira Dietz Chaison: "Generation Y in the environmental movement: what motivates and sustains their engagement?"
Sarah Geiwitz: "Best practices and policy in outdoor recreation for children with chronic medical conditions and disabilities"
Emily Kennedy: "The Economic History of Bottled Water and the Implications for Sub-Saharan Africa"
Jenna Khoury Hanna: "Participatory Food Costing and its Effects on Perceived Barriers that Prevent People from Purchasing Local and/or Sustainable Food"
Simone Spears: "An Investigation Into Mentors’ Perceptions of Their Role in Positive Youth Development Through Leisure"