Refereed Articles
Cohen, A. and J. McCarthy (2014) “Reviewing Rescaling: Strengthening the case for environmental considerations” Progress in Human Geography. Link
Cohen, A. and K. Bakker “The eco-scalar fix: Rescaling environmental governance and the politics of ecological boundaries in Alberta, Canada”, forthcoming in Environment and Planning D: Society & Space. Link
Cohen, A. (2012) “Watersheds as boundary objects: Scale at the intersection of science, neoliberalism, and participation” Environment and Planning A 44(9): 2207-2224. Link
Cohen, A. and S. Davidson (2011) “The watershed approach: Challenges, antecedents, and the transition from technical tool to governance unit” Water Alternatives 4(1): 521-534. Link
Cohen, A., and K. Bakker (2010) “Groundwater Governance: explaining regulatory noncompliance” International Journal of Water 5(3): 246-266. Link
Hill, C., K. Furlong, K. Bakker, and A. Cohen (2008) “Harmonization versus subsidiarity: A review of water governance and legislation in the Canadian provinces and territories” Canadian Water Resources Journal 33(4): 315-332. Link
Norman, E., A. Cohen, and K. Bakker (eds.) (forthcoming summer 2013) Water Without Borders? Canada, the US, and Shared Waters. University of Toronto Press. Link
Norman, E., C. Cook, and A. Cohen (eds.) Negotiating Water Governance: the Politics of Watersheds, Waterscapes, and Hydrosocial Networks. Under contract with Ashgate publishing.
Book Chapters
Cohen, A. (2014) “Rescaling environmental governance: The case of watersheds as scale-sensitive governance?” in Scale-Sensitive Governance of the Environment eds. F. Padt, P. Opdam, N. Polman, and C. Termeer. Wiley Blackwell. Link.
Cohen, A. and L. Harris (forthcoming 2013) “Performing watersheds: performativity and the production of scale” in Performativity, politics and the production of social space, edited by R. Rose-Redwood and M. Glass. Routledge. Link
Norman, E., A. Cohen, and K. Bakker (forthcoming 2013) “Introduction” in Water Without Borders? Canada, the US, and Shared Waters, edited by E. Norman, A. Cohen, and K. Bakker. University of Toronto Press. Link.
Cohen, A., E. Norman, and K. Bakker (forthcoming 2013) “Conclusion” in Water without Borders? Canada, the US, and Shared Waters, edited by E. Norman, A. Cohen, and K. Bakker. University of Toronto Press.
Hill, C., K. Furlong, K. Bakker, and A. Cohen (2007) “A survey of water governance legislation and policies in the provinces and territories” in Eau Canada: The Future of Canada’s Water, edited by Karen Bakker. University of British Columbia Press.
Policy Documents, Reports, and Discussion Papers
Bakker, K., A. Cohen, E. Norman, M. Mattson (2014) “Transboundary water governance needs new approach”, Hill Times February 2014. Link
Cohen, A. (2012) “Understanding the implications of rescaled water governance: From jurisdictional to watershed boundaries”. GWF Discussion Paper, Global Water Forum, Australia. Link
Norman, E., A. Cohen, and K. Bakker (2012) “Flashpoints and collaboration: How problems can inspire innovative solutions for Canada, the US, and the governance of shared waters”.
Vancouver: UBC Program on Water Governance. Link.
Cohen, A. (2009) “The sixth great lake: groundwater in the Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Basin.” A report written through the Walter and Duncan Gordon Water Policy Fellowship program.
Nowlan, L. and A. Cohen (2007) “The Water Smart, Self-Sufficient Islands: Preserving and protecting water on BC’s Gulf Islands.” A report written for the British Columbia Gulf Islands Trust.
Cohen, A. with K. Bakker (2006) “Groundwater management on the Gulf and San Juan Islands.” Report written for the British Columbia Ministry of Environment.